One of the distinguishing features of the approach to operational transformations in DOT is the reliance on a small number of mutation types: Splice, Move and Replace.
There are three factors motivating the minimal approach:
Writing transforms is hard. The more complicated the mutation, the more involved it is to get it right but in my practical experience, even simple mutations involve a lot of effort in getting the code right. Take a look at the effort involved in the move transform for example.
Changing the code for mutations requires complicated upgrades. Most OT systems rely on the ability to rebuild the model from previous mutations. Changing the meaning would need a special upgrade step or potentially adding new versions as new mutations (in which case both old and new mutations may need to be supported side by side for a while). Sticking to a small but minimal set of mutations sidesteps this problem for the typical usage.
The test matrix for mutations is non-linear on the number of mutattion types. The OT system has to guarantee that every mutation is safe against any other mutation type that a different client might have attempted in parallel. The complexity get unwieldy with more mutation types. It is inevitable that some mutation types will need to be versioned (new types added because of desire for slight variations). Having a large set of mutations makes the cost of adding these important variations very high. Keeping it minimal at the start allows for a bit of wiggle room without unmanageable complexity.
An unintended benefit of a small number of mutations is the abilty to port the mutations to a large number of platforms with low likelihood of portability or other errors.
There are two ways to get rich mutations:
An example of this is Rich Text. Please see [ImplementingRichText] (
In fact, this can be used to implement stacks, queues or any collection as they
all conform to array-like semantics – so long as the basic mutation of the data
structure are represented as a Splice
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An esoteric example is counters. On the face of it, incrementing or decrementing numbers does not have anything to do with sets or arrays. But a virtual array of numbers can effectively specify a number (the sum of all elements) and also allow increments (insert the increment) and decrements (insert the negative). This might seem like it would grow the array indefinitely and be a burden to store the array but the interesting aspect here is that the array itself never needs to be stored. Instead only the mutations need to be represented as if there were a real array. When applying the mutation, the code can simply keep track of the total and forget the actual underlying array at all.
This approach of creating rich types allows a very large number of data types to be created and covers a very large and broad category of applications.
There are two common data integrity problems with the minimal approach that generally do not happen with other “large mutation” approaches.
This is somewhat easy to fix if one of the operation can be derived from the other – by simply making only the primary operation and leaving the secondary operation to be done in response to the edit of the primary. The other remedy is to mark consistency boundaries. For example, DOT defines operations as a set of changes and consistency can be maintained at the operation boundary but not the individual change boundary.
Allow loose consistency of the virtual document. In practice, this would mean allow tables with rows not indexed or rows with tables not indexed (and potentially with a higher level API that masks this). Or allow things to grow larger than the size but use a different strategy to ignore the elements past the size limits.
Use id-based objects rather than deep graphs and use garbage collection. This is relatively useful anyway since the JSON virtual document structure does not natively allow cycles anyway but it gets added significance when one considers that integrity constraints (like no orphaned children etc) are the same type of problem as garbage collection. So, this approach can “fix” any data inconsistencies periodically and “purify” the data. There is a question of how to treat the mutation resulting from a “fix”. Given the distributed nature, any client can do it or a specific client hosted by the service itself can take care of implementing the garbage collection policy without having to do any mutations outside the OT framework.
Yet another approach is a custom server where the validation of state is implemented server side when operations are received. This is relatively easy to implement but at the performance cost of needing to maintain a choke point on the backend and potentially have performance and stability issues. This is discouraged for all but the most difficult situations.
One of the benefits of the micro mutations is that they have well defined undo operations that are also relatively easy to implement without involving higher level logic. So, implementing undo and redo can be done in a centralized location with a undo manager that does not even have to understand the basic types involved.