There is plenty of literature available on how to build real-time systems using OT or CRDT or Diff-Match-Patch.
A real world use of these technologies has a lot of pitfalls and difficult trade-offs. A lot of the existing literature tends to focus on eventual “convergence” of state or issues with the primary technologies but it seems like not much attention is given to other important engineering trade-offs involved.
There are two broad (and overlapping) issues:
Most collaboration platforms based on OT or similar technology fall into one of two broad categories – macro operations or micro operations. In the former, the granularity of change is mapped closely to user actions with roughly one operation corresponding to one action. In the latter, the user action is composed of a sequence of micro-operations where the set of micro-operations is small and fixed.
Both approaches exhibit challenges when implementing data-integrity constraints.
Lets consider an app which uses a graph data-structure with the hypothetical constraint that there should be no vertices without any edges. The user action of deleting a single vertex could have a cascading effect – all of its neighbours that were only connected to it would also need to be removed and so on.
The problem with maintaining this integrity constraint is this: what happens when two different clients have simultaneous operations that have “soft-conflicts” – one user deletes a vertex, while another adds an edge?
The edge that is added could “revive” a vertex that would have otherwise be removed as a side-effect of the first “vertex delete”.
In a collaborative system that uses macro operations, the vertex delete operation and the edge add operation have a complex “transformation” procedure. A clever engineer can no doubt solve this problem, so this difficulty by itself is not a strike against that approach. But when considers how undo-s of these should be handled, the situation starts to get hairy.
Now imagine that the business requirement changes slightly – say, we now also require a max edges limit on vertices. The problem of finding matching transforms is not any harder but the search for the appropriate transforms often need to start afresh. There seems to be something of a non-linear nature between requirements and the transforms – a small change in requirement sometimes results in a large change in transform algorithms. Also, often this type of change would require changing the structure of the operation itself (i.e. the data sent on the wire along with the operation to perform effective transforms and merges). This is particularly the case if one desires stateless transforms.
**Aside**: stateless transforms
Stateless transforms are solutions where the act of finding
compensating actions does not require knowledge of the state of the
client before the operations. This is a desirable property of
operations as it allows intermediate servers and tools to be built
without needing the full potentitally expensive state. This is
possible for a lot of simple operations though it is by no means
easy to devise the transforms to satisfy this property.
When the data structure representing the operation changes, we would need to consider what happens to the documents with operations for the previous product scheme. We are left with the choice of having to rewrite all the operations to match the new world or having to indefinitely support (“grandfather”) both the old and new operations formats (though a server can reject the new operations for newer clients). This adds to the maintenance cost of such a model because the old and potentially involved code may need to be carried around for a fair amount of time.
A different maintenance cost arises if new operations on graphs are devised – it takes more effort to define the proper transforms for each of these use cases.
Ultimately, the trade-off with this approach is high-integrity at the cost of a high on-going maintenance effort.
A collaborative system that uses a minimal instruction set has a
different set of issues. For the same graph example, one can imagine
modelling this as a list
of vertex IDs and a sparse adjacency matrix
represented using a map
whose keys are the pair of vertices in an
and the value is always true
(if the pair of vertices do not
have an edge between them, they end up with no entry in the map).
This type of setup is relatively easy to build but it suffers from
very basic integrity constraints – it is possible to inadvertently
end up with a vertex twice in the list, for example. This illustrates
one difficulty with the primitive approach – it takes a little
experience to even spot inconsistencies that can happen. Lets address
that specific issue by changing the structure of the vertex list to a
map as well – with keys being the vertex ID and values always being
(just like with the adjacency matrix). As it turns out, a lot
of the intuition around data-structures most of us have are based on
efficiencies of programming languages (where a vertex list is easier
or more natural to iterate than a hash) but with a micro operation setup,
the choice of basic data-structure needs to be a bit more carefully
thought out. For example, the vertices collection should really be
thought of as a set. If we were to restrict the primitives to only
arrays and maps, the set data structure would be most simply expressed
as a map as the add and remove operations work best with maps.
Other problems still exist with the vertex map and edge map
data structure – it is possible to have edges referring to vertices
that are not present in the vertex
list and it most certainly will
allow vertices that don’t have any edges.
One approach to dealing with this issue is to build a functional
sanitization algorithm that takes the vertex list
and adjacency
and returns a sanitized version that meets the product needs.
This would look something like this in ES6/javascript:
// vertices are a map of vertex ID to "true"
// edges are a map of [vertexID1, vertexID2] to "true"
function sanitize(vertices, edges) {
const newVertices = {}, newEdges = {};
for (let vid1 in vertices) {
for (let vid2 in vertices) {
const key = normalizeVertexPair(vid1, vid2);
if (vid1 != vid2 && edges[key]) {
newVertices[vid1] = newVertices[vid2] = true;
newEdges[key] = true;
const vertexList = [];
for (let key in newVertices) vertexList.push(key);
return {
// return a list of active vertices. an array is easier to work
// at the higher layers
vertices: vertexList,
// provide a check for existence of an edge
doesEdgeExist(vid1, vid2) {
return newEdges[normalizeVertexPair[vid1, vid2]] ? true : false;
// provide a way to iterate through all the edges
getEdgesOf(vid) {
const list = [];
for (let key in newVertices) {
if (newEdges[normalizeVertexPair(vid, key)]) list.push(vid);
return list;
// mutation methos are not provided as each OT system has its
// own ways of dealing with it. But the assumption is that
// mutations will map to changes on [vertices] and [edges] with
// a sanitize() call afterwards.
// returns the key to use into the edge map
function normalizeVertexPair(vid1, vid2) {
return JSON.stringify(vid1 < vid2 ? [vid1, vid2] : [vid2, vid1]);
The interesting thing about an approach like this is that constraints can be changed on the fly relatively easily – it does not require a lot of cleverness though it still requires a basic understanding of all possible states with a given underlying data structure.
There are still problems with changing the constraints – what happens to existing documents or models which violate this constraint? While this is a product question, the approach allows a degree of latitude – only documents that currently violate the constraint are an issue. Any historically invalid constraints will not cause problems. Even here, an approach that would work is if we could grandfather these violations by simply encoding a version flag with the state itself (this is not dissimilar to the other approach of large operations)
A compelling benefit of this approach is the fact that developers do not need to search, implement and test transforms – instead they search for the right primitive data-structure, implement the derivations and test the derivations. While the search for the right data-structure still requires a fair degree of cleverness, the confidence that a data-structure would work is much higher as the derivation is generally easy to test. Another side-effect is that undo works automatically by virtue of using the primitive instruction set of already invertible micro-operations.
But there are still problems with this approach. The obvious one is
the potential for the data structure to aggregate turds
. Like
non-coding DNA
, there are little bits of data that do not contribute
to the final visible state of the application but take up space.
A general approach to this is garbage collection
– all objects
(like vertices) that could be referred from different places can be
stored at a specific “collection” at the root and a general purpose
algorithm can simply periodically clean up. This too
has an elegance to it in that if it is implemented once, the ongoing
cost of dealing with this is very low.
A different way of looking at garbage collection
is canonical
representations. That is, every document is periodically cleaned up
to its canonical representation (which removes all turds).
A bigger problem with turds
is unexpected ghost
state transitions.
Consider a pure input state and one with turds
, both mapping to the
same derived state. In most situations like this, there are usually
some operations which when applied to both the input states, will end
up with different derived states. For example, if the edges list has
references to vertices that have disappeared, if someone adds a new
edge to one of those vertices, the old edges would come back.
Why is this a problem? For an end user, this would appear to be like Hysteresis: i.e two documents with the same appearance will diverge when the same operation is applied to each. This does not violate the “convergence of all clients” guarantee as these are two different documents that have the same appearance.
But usually, these situations are extremely rare and so an engineering trade-off can be made in favor of simplicity and easy of change.
The graph example introduced a specific variety of derived
data that
can be described in a purely functional fashion based on the raw state
that is used for the collaborative system. This does pose somewhat of
a performance burden, though this depends on the actual
characteristics of the data (whether these graphs are large and
whether these actions are frequent etc).
Some derivations can actually be specified so that they depend only on
the changes of the input. For example, a sum counter
which tracks
the sum of all elements of an array can be implemented like so:
function (oldState, change) {
if (change.insert) {
return oldState + change.insert.value;
} else if (change.remove) {
return oldState - change.remove.value;
} else if (change.replace) {
return oldState + change.replace.newValue - change.replace.oldValue;
If the original raw data is never directly accessed by the application
(as it was with the graph example), these type of solutions do not
ever even have to store the underlying state at all and can simply
store the derived state only. This may seem contrived but the
above is actually an elegant way to implement
counters in a collaborative system which
supports only lists
and maps
. The actual operation of increment
or decrement can be represented as a change which inserts the
increment or decrement into the underlying array and if the only state
ever maintained is the derived state of the sum
as described above,
the storage requirements are fixed rather than ever-growing.
Such incremental calculations perform very well even if the underlying state is needed for other purposes. But most collaborative systems only guarantee that the underlying state converges – to be sure that the derivation also converges, a raw functional specification based only on the underlying state is still required (at least for verification in the test suite).
Not all derivations can be expressed as incremental computations. The graph example above is actually one of those that cannot be easily represented as an incremental computation. At a minimum this implies duplication of state (which is probably not a huge issue for most situations) but in the worst case, it would also be a performance issue. But there are usually simple optimizations possible, such as implementing a hybrid solution that optimizes the calculation by looking at both the change and the input state. Such solutions suffer from the risk of bugs (as proving their correctness is not as easy as it is with functional or incremental code with well understood input state spaces).
A more interesting question is what types of constraint problems are even covered by purely functional derivations, so let us consider a couple of other problems
[Terry Crowley]
talks about a particular problem implementing a game of King of the
. Here is a paraphrase of the constraints:
The particular physical data structure used by Crowley in that article is very likely chosen to illustrate that it is tricky to find the right data structure or transform, so it is not fair to compare any representation here against that. The motivation here is whether there is a way to look at this from the point of view of derived data structures that simplifies the problem.
Here is one simple solution for it:
"players": {
"playerID": {
"Name": "PlayerName",
"LastKingOfHillTimeCrownedAt": "time",
Here, the players are stored as a map based on their ID. Whether they
are king of the hill or not is described by a attribute on the player
structure which manages the time when they were last made king of the
hill. The use of a time field is to solve the delete
problem that
talks about (he uses a more technically accurate solution but
this is acceptable for the purposes of this discussion).
So, the actual king of the hill requires a computation of finding the
player with the largest King Of The Hill
time. This is a pure
derivation that also happens to be quite easily
implemented as a mostly incremental operation (when a player gets
deleted, a re-computation is needed).
How easy is it to come up with a solution like this? It turns out that this pattern (of tracking the last) is not that unnatural if we start thinking of all actions in terms of the state. If there is a requirement that removing a KingOfTheHill player requires election of another KingOfTheHill, the effective requirement from the app is that for consistency reasons, all clients should be able to compute the next KingOfTheKill purely from the state alone. So, storing the “time” helps with this. Note that rephrasing this problem in terms of the state immediately suggests a simplification: instead of time, an incrementing counter would work as well (with a simple disambiguation needed if there are two simultaneous updates with the same counter)
A reasonable engineering objection to the adding of the
field to the player structure is that
this violates [separation of concerns]
( In an ideal
world, this data structure should be managed separately. One can
easily consider storing a separate map like so:
"players": ...,
"king-of-hill-time": {
"player-id": "time",
This has a little bit of a downside. Whenever a player gets deleted,
either the app needs to know to delete this map (which would violate
the separation of concerns) or whenever the derivation is being done
for the king-of-the-hill, the player collection must be checked to see
if the player exists. The latter solution is relatively
straight-forward and probably preferable but it has the downside that
the map of king-of-hill-time
will have turds
of deleted
players. A general garbage collection process can probably be
implemented if all the object collections were maintained as top-level
objects and all references used IDs from top-level object
collections. This is actually relatively easy to code and maintain
and the performance depends on a variety of factors.
A different argument can be made about separation of concerns: if the
has a life-cycle dependency on player
, it is
probably the right data structure to stick this as a field of the
. The problem of working with an effectively global namespace
can be dealt with elegantly if the underlying system (both the
platform and the language) supported namespaces for these attributes.
This is obviously a lot of engineering effort that is of questionable
value for anything but very large projects. In a lot of ways, this
way of thinking about data in terms of life-cycle and namespaced
attributes is similar to the programming language concept of
Consider a game where people chose their tags. The problem here is to
guarantee uniqueness of gamer tags. Conflicts are inevitable and easy
product solutions exist (such as tacking on unique numbers etc) but
lets consider a demand for a specific scheme: if multiple players
choose xyz
simultaneously, only one of them gets the xyz
while the
rest get xyz #1
, xyz #2
etc. If a player with one of these xyz
tag is deleted, no existing player’s tag will get reassigned. But if
a new player comes in requesting xyz
, he will get xyz
(or the
lowest available tag slot).
This is obviously somewhat contrived but lets specify the rules in a bit more detail:
(or even xyz #42
then the #42
is a hint, no requirement to honor it).xyz #nnn
xyz #3
, xyz #2
must be currently
taken).This pathological example maybe a case of a badly-formed requirements as one can easily adjust the requirements (such as dropping the lowest available slot) to make this relatively simple. But as the requirements stand, this is extremely difficult to describe in a pure functional way.
A brute force solution is to maintain a sequence of events that affect
a given tag. That is, for each tag, we maintain an array with join
and leave
entries. The actual set of gamer tags associated with
different participants is always calculated by iterating over the
array in order. Note that given the assignments at that point and a
or leave
event, we can reliably calculate the next
assignments, so in theory the data structure can just be an initial
assignment map and recent events (instead of storing all the events).
This is similar to garbage collection.
A pattern might be seen with the general approach:
Another common problem with collaboration systems is semi-derived
data. A common example of this is the collaborative cursor
collaborative document editing
apps. Other variations of this problem crop
up with non-document like apps too (such as shared list editing or
shared spreadsheets or even chat and facebook).
The natural way to model the current location a user is within a
document is by considering this as a separate state {start,
A naive way of storing start would be by index into the
document (assuming it is some form of linear text) but this breaks
down when we consider what needs to happen when an insert happens
before this text – the start/end need to be transformed based on the
changes that happened.
It is relatively easy to write some code that maintains a start/end based on changes to the text:
function updateCursor({start, end}, change) {
// if change happend before start ... etc
return {start: newStart, end: newEnd};
But this is a non-functional description (because it depends on the change rather than the current state of the document) and as such there is no guarantee that the cursor of a particular user will converge to the same place for every user.
The issue is not the importance of that. For a collaborative text editor, it is the right engineering choice to not worry about that divergence since this is ephemeral data. But for a game, this may change how points are calculated etc.
The issue is that it is not immediately obvious that the naive way of doing this may cause the derivation to diverge.
This particular problem occurs frequently enough that the OT platform underneath can provide the transforms (which are basically regular array transforms) that guarantee convergence (since they are also used for regular OT transforms themselves). This is the intended approach in the DOT project but most OT systems simply sidestep the issue.
Another problem happens when one considers what happens if the cursor
is not stored with the model at all but maintained and communicated
separately. This is, in fact, how most collaborative systems seem to
be operating today. The issue here is that the start/end
only make sense with a particular version of the document and clients
may receive offsets well before they are synchronized up to that
version of the underlying document. So, a client which inserted a
large chunk of text at the end of the document might send its current
cursor (at the end of the document) and this cursor update may be
received by clients before the update to the underlying document.
If the receiving client attempted to use the new cursor position, it
would get out-of-bounds exceptions (though it can obviously consider a
dynamic derivation that limits a peer’s cursor to be within its
current documentation). But more severe divergences can happen in
this case (and some common collaborative editors actually exhibit
these issues).
A different way of looking at this particular problem eases this pain considerably – by looking at collaborative cursors as effectively part of the document itself. This guarantees the order of the operation but also removes any need for the client app to worry about transformations. This has other problems though (a cursor move now appears to be an edit of the document) that it might be a case of where the cure is worse than the disease for some applications.
The general recommendation is to build the idea of references as part
of the low level collaboration system to enable higher level apps to
be written with ease and confidence. Note that real world
applications need references between models (or documents) and there
are two kinds of references conceptually: the live
version is
specified with a basis to a particular version of the document and it
is maintained by the collaborative system answering the question of
where that reference is with a later (or even earlier) version of the
A second version is the effectively static version where if someone
refers to the top
player, he is always referring to the array
element indexed at zero.
Consider derivations based on derived data – for example, consider the earlier graph example. Now lets assume we want to keep count of number of partitions of the graph (i.e. no edges between partitions) exist. This is a simple derivation and can be functionally expressed. But the ability to do incremental derivations on this is lost.
One approach is if the data structure used to model the derived system is itself using a “shared” model with only one writer. This feels odd but the benefit of that approach is there is now a unique programming interface for making changes to data structures and secondary derivations start looking similar to primary derivations. They follow the same rules of convergence:
A derivation that is fully expressible as a pure function of only the state of the inputs is guaranteed to converge.
Any incremental derivation that implements an optimization of such a pure function can be tested relatively easily by comparing against the pure function.
But there are execution order issues similar to references. Consider
a functional derivation that depends on two other derivations. In the
example below, the last function percentageAboveOrAverage
to calculate how many elements are at average or above average.
function mean(arr) {
let sum = 0;
for (let kk = 0; kk < arr.length; kk ++) sum += arr[kk];
return sum/kk;
function averageOrAbove(arr, mean) {
let result = [];
for (let kk = 0; kk < arr.length; kk ++) {
if (arr[kk] > mean) result.push(arr[kk]);
return result;
function percentageAboveOrAverage(arr, avgOrAbove) {
if (arr.length === 0) return 0;
return 100 * arr.length / avgOrAbove.length;
While the pure functional
aspect of all the functions guarantees
that the final derivation will converge to the same value irrespective
of what history the input derivations have, it does not guarantee that
intermediate calculations will not crash. For example, if the input
array changes from empty to one element but the first calculation done
is percentageAboveOrAverage
(before the other two functions are
scheduled), the method would return an invalid result. Note however,
that when the other two functions change and their result is then fed
back into the percentageAboveOrAverage
function, it will properly
converge to the right value.
The example above is a bit contrived – but if all the individual functions were incremental functions depending on changes on their underlying values, it gets difficult to ensure that the change events arrive in the right order.
This leads to a strong requirement that derivations are executed up in the right order. This would start looking like the startup and dependency hell that most engineers are familiar with.
Aside: FRP
The order-of-execution problem would be familiar to anyone who has
worked with functional reactive programming. It is not unique to
collaboration but working with events and changes just makes this
a more frequent occurence.
A completely different way to deal with constraints is via a flow similar to github’s PRs. This approach is feasible with OT-based collaborations as the underlying technology is analogous to git.
One implementation here is for clients to make changes to their own branches at all times and sending up the changes to the server as a “Pull request”. The server merges them into master if there are no constraint violations (after the full chain of changes from the client). If there are constraint violations, it is reported to the client (though the client can probably keep track of this itself based on the current state of the master).
The client uses the same technique to merge master into its branch periodically. If there are conflicts, it would need to update its branch to resolve the conflicts before it can merge up to master.
This approach involves quite a bit of OT infrastructure underneath but exposes a very elegant user-involved conflict resolution for cases where that is the right thing to do. It is also an useful approach to let users make changes before they commit to them.
The second part of the equation is user experience issues when working with data that is changing underneath by edits not made by the current user.
Neil Fraser talks about this issue with OT systems. The underlying issue is similar to the References issue discussed earlier. Basically when a user is editing a document, edits from other users can affect one’s cursor position making the experience feel janky.
But another part of the equation is that edits from other users can cause the screen contents to move in unexpected ways. Consider a user on the fourth line of a text. If a remote user inserts a thousand lines at the start, the cursor may now end up off-screen.
This is very similar to integrity constraints and one can describe the problem in similar terms:
The physical position of the current cursor of a user shall
move the least amount possible in case of edits from other users.
There are several wrinkles on it. Consider if the user has scrolled the screen manually up to look at a different part of the document. In this case, we want to preserve whatever it is the user has his/her attention on. For office or word documents, there are several candidates: section headers, tables, first visible line etc. A good basic compromise is the first visible line (with the exceptions around start of document and end of document – if either are visible then the logical start and logical end position are what is generally expected to be preserved).
A different kind of “jank” experience is when a user is scrolling a region and there are changes that happen meanwhile. While it is possible to maintain scroll position correctly, the issue is one of performance. For example, updating a DOM to load a new image can cause jitter with an ongoing scroll.
A simple workaround here is to suspend synchronization while a scroll is in progress.
A rare but deeply frustrating jank happens when a user is about to drag something or about to drop something and the screen underneath it changes in some way.
The workaround for this is to suspend synchronization when mouse is down and re-enabling it a few seconds after the mouse goes up (to separate the animation of drop from any side-effects from the merge).
For rich applications, another source of jank is within a control or dialog and a remote change invalidates the whole control/dialog. A naive implementation would simply reset the cursor elsewhere. But there is another rule, violations of which are extremely frustrating to users:
When a user is typing, the focused element should never change
without user consent as a lot of users type fast and a shift in
focus will cause unexpeted input to be entered.
A weaker version of it applies to content that is only being viewed.
Implementing this is tough – a brute-force solution is to identify when a user enters these “unsafe” UX experiences and simply freeze collaboration.
A different approach is to have the system provide locking/transaction semantics. A lock does not prevent edits from other users but it prevents the local clients from seeing changes to locked regions of data. This is a more granular version of the brute force approach. The risk with this approach is the complexity of deferring changes to one part of the state which is effectively reordering operations as well as the possibility of breaking integrity constraints when such reordering happens.
A different kind of jank happens when someone changes the view of an interactive element. Consider a graphics editor with many layers. If someone is drawing on one layer and a different user reorders the layers, this can cause some serious issues. A similar kind of issue happens when someone is editing a bar-chart and a different user swaps the x and y axis.
An app that naturally supports per-client views of data or a pull-request model for data are less likely to suffer from these issues.
Derived data is not easy to work with. Most real-world collaborative applications can benefit from a richer framework for derived data.
The collaboration platform should not stop at convergence of raw data. The platform effectiveness will be drastically improved if there is built in support for common derived data situations, including the managing of derived data dependencies.
UX jank increases with degree of collaboration and require a variety of techniques to address. Advanced platform help is useful in a lot of cases.